May 25, 2010

Duck Pond

My summer break has officially begun!!! I had such a great year and an amazing class this year! It was so hard to say good-bye to my students, knowing that I won't see most of them again. That's the worst thing about teaching 5th grade....when they leave my class, they also leave our school. :(

Even though I was sad, it was time to celebrate the beginning of my summer home with Liam, so we headed to the duck pond. The last time we took Liam, he was only a few months old, and we didn't last very long. This trip was a totally different story. Liam loved it! He was so excited to see the ducks. (I realize that most of what we saw weren't actually ducks, but I'll worry about teaching Liam that some other day.) This crazy duck came right up to us, went after our bread bag and then got in our faces. I screamed. Then, Liam cried because I screamed. OOPS!
After we finally got him calmed down from the crazy duck in our faces experience (or crazy, screaming mom experience), Liam started having fun again. His Aunt Shalayna was trying to get him to throw the bread to the ducks instead of holding onto it.
Funny story about Liam and ducks....A few weeks ago I took him up to David's work after school. One of the sweet librarians gave him an Aflac duck that says, "Aflac, Aflac, Aflaaac." So, when the ducks would quack, Liam would say, "Aflaaac!" Love it!!!
Every night we go outside to water the flowers in my flower beds. I think Liam thought I should water this one.
I love this picture! This mama duck has some serious structure going on...a woman after my own heart!
When David got off of work, he came to meet us. I was so glad he got to see how excited Liam was to feed the ducks.
Today I officially checked out at school, so I am done with everything for the year! I get to be a stay at home mom for the next two months, and I am so excited. I am so blessed to have the job that I have. I get to experience the best of both worlds....being a working mom AND a stay at home mom. (Personally I'd prefer the stay at home mom gig. Maybe someday......ha!)

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