October 6, 2010

Serving up some bites

My mom found this cute kitchen at a garage sale recently and picked it up for Liam. I never imagined that he would love playing with a kitchen as much as he does. Tonight while I was cooking dinner, he disappeared. I got a little worried until I heard the banging of his pots and pans. When I went in to check on him I found him "cooking".
I love how when he sees David or I doing something he tries to imitate us.
Of course, he had to try the food he made. He shared with Daddy and I also. It was delicious!
Hopefully he'll grow up to be a better cook than I am. Just tonight I completely messed up Minute Rice, which is almost impossible, but I managed to pull it off! I skipped the whole boil the water before you put the rice in the pan part of the directions. Oops! It turned out ok in the end.

By the way..........This morning was soooooo much better than yesterday. Liam slept much later. I was almost ready before he started calling for me. We had time to cuddle and play for a little bit before I started getting him dressed. We even made it out the door in time to stop for donuts!!!

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