September 19, 2010

Day 19...A talent

Hmmmm....I have put a lot of thought into this one. Do I have a talent?

David says I'm talented at spending large amounts of money, but I don't consider that a talent. That's just something I do.

My sweet friend, Amanda, said that I'm talented because I'm a teacher. She said that working with children is a talent. I guess she's right. I should consider that a talent. It definitely takes a ton of patience. Patience should be considered a talent also, right?

The only talent that I could personally come up with is my ability to multi-task. I had never thought about the fact that I multi-task all the time until a conversation I had with my doctor recently. He started asking me random questions, one of them being whether or not I'm a multi-tasker. Like, do I usually have more than one project going at once. I answered with a quick, "Heck yeah I do!" (He then told me that he thought I was most likely ADHD...that's a story for another day!)

Since that day, I've thought a lot about the fact that I'm a multi-tasker. For example, on my planning period at school, I never leave my room to walk my students to gym or music without going through my plans to see if I need to drop something off at the office, stop by to talk to someone, copy something, or pick up something for a lesson. After all, I'd have less time to myself if I had to make several trips to the front of the school, when I could have done it all at once.

I always have a list of projects that are yet to be completed going through my mind. For example at this very moment, I am doing laundry, dishes, boiling chicken for tomorrow's dinner, talking to a friend via text and typing this.

So, yep...I'm a multi-tasker. I'm proud of my talent....even if my crazy doctor thinks it means I'm ADHD. Ha!!!

1 comment:

amanda said...

I am loving all of your posts lately. I have really enjoyed the ones about you and your days. I hope we can continue to post more about ourselves - not just our sweet boys.